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The SSP Alumni Network is the official association of all Alumni of the SSP Leadership Programme. The SSP Alumni Network (SSPAN) exists to engage and maintain relationships with the illustrious community of Alumni Scholars in various sectors of society.

The purpose of the SSPAN is to promote the welfare of SSP and to establish a mutually beneficial relationship between the Trust and its Alumni. The SSPAN helps Alumni connect with the fellow graduates of the Leadership Programme through networking, fundraising, educational and social engagements.

The SSPAN is lead by the SSP Alumni Board which includes a dedicated Alumni Network Committee.

Alumni Stories

The Shell Five

The Shell Five

Khumbelo Rakuambo She completed her Quantitative Risk Management studies after which she went on to do her honours in Quantitative Risk...

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Yonaka Theledi

Yonaka Theledi

SSP Changed My Life!In life, no one is given everything, but making the most of what you have been given is everything. This is a lesson I...

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