Every year the Student Sponsorship Programme (SSP) recruits committed individuals to serve as Mentors for our Scholars. Since our Mentorship Programme is one of the most valuable resources that SSP offers to its Scholars, we are looking for persons who have an interest and desire to help develop our Scholars to become future leaders of South Africa.
SSP matches Mentors with Scholars taking into consideration location of both parties, interests, hobbies, as well as skills, mentors hold that could enhance the Mentee’s identified strengths. SSP focuses on the Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields, therefore Mentors who are professionals in these fields are especially encouraged to apply. It is also important to note that SSP mentorship plays a huge role in helping the Scholars adjust to their new environment.
The SSP Mentor is not there to only offer academic support but also provide support in life skills development that the Scholar may not get from family, teachers or their peers. In this sense, the SSP Mentorship relationship is a unique one that lasts formally for the Scholar’s journey through secondary school and very often informally beyond.
- Be willing to undergo a security check
- Be passionate about engaging with youth
- Must be prepared to undergo an intense but rewarding journey with a Scholar
- Attend a two hour Mentor training session (evening or weekend)as well as subsequent events and sessions with other Mentors and sometimes Scholars
- Meet your Scholar and his/her family at their Open Day (evening or weekend)
- See your Scholar -consistently in agreed upon, mutually suitable intervals that will ensure the growth and maintenance of the Mentorship relationship.
- Commit to mentoring for the full five years of secondary school, and where this may change due to realistic life circumstances, inform SSP timeously of the manageable length of the Mentorship relationship.
- Provide feedback to SSP regarding your relationship with your Mentee.

If you wish to become a mentor, or have any questions, please email mentorship@ssp.org.za